In my life, I have made four good decisions: to start a family, to take care of my health, to allow myself to discover who I really am, personally and professionally, and to act for the causes that are important to me.
Since I was a child, I had health problems that I overcame thanks to my determination and my thirst for life; hence, the wellbeing issues played a very important role in my life.
At the same time, I discovered that Ilinca that was deeply committed to a better world; I was 16 years old when I decided that I wanted to be a journalist, like my father. I wanted to be able to wake up consciences through fair and true information. It is this goal that pushed me to leave my native country, Romania, at the age of 18, to study, work and live in several countries. This decision brought me a little closer to my life’s mission: to accompany committed and sensitive people on the marvellous journey of self-knowledge, in order to, in turn, have an impact in this world.
This is how Suryamaya was born: to offer a holistic approach to self-discovery, which will serve as a trampoline for a healthy, aligned and committed personal and professional life.
The real change came with the birth of my daughter in 2014. When I became a mom, I wished, more than ever, to have a conscious life and manifest my potential. When I became a mom, I wished, more than ever, to have a conscious life and manifest my potential. In 2016, I restarted my entrepreneurial life that I had left behind in 2010.
At the time, I was living in Brussels, I was a European civil servant in social and wellbeing policies, job that I had for 6 years.
I was practicing postural Yoga, without knowing that behind it there was a whole world to discover. The world of Ayurveda and Integral Yoga as two soul-sisters that lead us on an incredible journey: a knowledge of ourselves to live this life in alignment with who we are and that opens us new horizons and doors to powerful relationships.
Discovering this wisdom has allowed me to create an aligned life for myself, personally and professionally, and to manifest abundance and mindfulness in the actions I take.

Today, I am convinced that change towards a sustainable world can only come through an awareness of your true nature and the creation of a sustainable well-being for you: the discovery of your Spiritual Ecology.
With Suryamaya, I will put all my knowledge, energy and good humour at the service of people like you, who wish to be actors and no longer spectators of their well-being and that of others. People for whom Self-knowledge and wellbeing at all levels is the basis of all action in this world.
For that, in complement of my expertise in the wellbeing programs, je me suis formée auprès des enseignants reconnus dans leurs domaines pour obtenir les compétences suivantes :
👉 Integral Hatha Yoga teacher certified Yoga Alliance
👉 Vedic&AyurYoga Guide from the American Institute of Vedic Studies directed by David Frawley
👉 Meditator certified by the advanced programs conducted by Sadhguru and Isha Foundation
👉 I am still learning from qualified teachers such as Dr Martina Ziska, who is my Mentor.

The DNA of Suryamaya is Ayurveda and Yoga as two millennia-old sciences for the Wellness and Fulfilment of the Self as a Person and an Actor in this World.
Are you ready for this journey?

What I believe in
The incredible capacity of the human being to find its true Self and live a full life
A just world, where we take care of each other
Empathy towards others as a vector for the elevation of our energies
A holistic knowledge of the human being through Ayurveda and Yoga
The power of each of us, in our own way, to make a difference
The inherent goodness of the human being to make this world a better place

What I like
Spending time with my family and loved ones
Getting up in the morning, before dawn, and waking up all my senses in harmony with Nature
Sharing my knowledge, my discoveries without limits and with love
To savor the sun’s rays and its powerful energy
Connecting to the immensity of Nature when I walk around
To feel free and master of my destiny

The Suryamaya Universe
Suryamaya was born thanks to wonderful exchanges with great people.
Each person I met brought his or her stone. So, if you pass by and feel identified, thank you for having played a part in this adventure.
They are people like my teacher Dr Martina Ziska, who accompanies me with passion and devotion in my practical path related to Ayurveda and Yoga.
Or Carole Tawema, co-founder of Karethic, thanks to whom I learn every day a little more about the state of social justice in Africa and more precisely that related to women shea producers. I always say: if tomorrow I had to choose a brand among all those I love, it would be Karethic, for its humanism, its benevolence and its courage.
And also Gita Desai, the independent director of the “Unveiled Trilogy” of documentaries about Yoga, Ayurveda and Raga, who has dedicated 15 years of her life to the creation of these 3 documentaries with a single objective: to democratize the access to this old knowledge. His documentaries are a source of inspiration.
Just like Gaële Gerbaux, founder of Nueva Vista, and webdesigner and graphic designer committed to the actors who contribute to make the world a better place, whom I met in 2020 and with whom I built a strong relationship based on friendship, trust, respect (by the way, thank you Gaële without whom the identity and the website Suryamaya would have been much less sparkling!)
Or the sweet Lucie Joao who is behind Ayurveda au quotidien. One day she told me: Share your knowledge with the world, it will be wonderful!

Through Love, the bitter becomes sweet
Through Love, copper coins become gold
Through Love, sediments become clear
Through Love, pain becomes healing…
Jalal ad-Din Rumi, Sufi poet, XIII century

I want to start the coaching programs!